Dotakyan (ドタキャン - Cancelling at the Last Minute)

Dec 10, 2017 10:10
Yesterday, I introduced the Japanese word "dotanba," which means the last moment that you're required to make a decision.

There is the slang term "dotakyan," which was derived from this "dotanba."

"Dotakyan" is short for "dotanba de kyanseru (cancel)," and it means to cancel an appointment (to meet someone) at the last minute.

Originally, this term was a jargon used among the entertainment industry and the travel industry, but it has come to be used commonly (especially among young people) since around 1990.

Since "dotakyan" not only hurts someone but also makes you lose your trust, be careful not to do "dotakyan."





No. 1 SecretSauce's correction
  • Dotakyan (ドタキャン - Cancelling at the Last Minute)
  • Dotakyan (ドタキャン - Cancelling at the Last Minute)
  • Yesterday, I introduced the Japanese word "dotanba," which means the last moment that you're required to make a decision.
  • Yesterday, I introduced the Japanese word "dotanba," which means the last momevintg that you're required to make a last-minute decision.
  • There is the slang term "dotakyan," which was derived from this "dotanba."
  • There is another slang term, "dotakyan," which was derived from this "dotanba."
  • "Dotakyan" is short for "dotanba de kyanseru (cancel)," and it means to cancel an appointment (to meet someone) at the last minute.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Originally, this term was a jargon used among the entertainment industry and the travel industry, but it has come to be used commonly (especially among young people) since around 1990.
  • Originally, this term was a jargon used among the entertainment industry and the travel industry jargon, but it has come into be used commonly use (especially among young people) since around 1990.
  • Since "dotakyan" not only hurts someone but also makes you lose your trust, be careful not to do "dotakyan."
  • Since "dotakyan" not only hurts psomeoplne, but also makes themyou lose your trust in you, be careful not to do "dotakyan."
One mistake that many Japanese speakers make is use the word "introduce" without an indirect object in cases when that seems strange to native speakers. "Yesterday, I introduced YOU to the word Dotanba," is better.

This was very interesting. Is 「彼女はいつもドタンバします」the correct way to use this word?
Thank you so much for the corrections!
> Is 「彼女はいつもドタンバします」the correct way to use this word?
「彼女はいつもドタンバします」 sounds unnatural, because ドタンバ(土壇場)is a word that means a kind of situation.「彼女はいつもドタキャンします」 is perfectly fine.
Ah, thank you! When I was making that sentence I mixed up the two words, haha!